
Drawing Prompts

Are you an artist? Are you feeling bored and uninspired during the weekend or during free time? Well make sure to read this article, for maybe you will get inspired by some of the ensuing drawing prompts!

  • Try out a new art style

If you're used to drawing people, try and switch towards animals! If you're used to drawing animals, try drawing people! If you're good at  both types, maybe try and combine the two into something, or draw an object!

  • Try using a different tool instead of a pencil

Take a swing at using paint, charcoal or watercolor (if you haven’t already) you can make a lot of fun things out of it!

  • Make something winter-themed!

You could draw something related to a holiday in winter or just do a drawing of  winter things! (Example: Snow, pine trees, sleds)

  • Make a map!

You can either hand draw just a blob and small little islands, or you can pour rice onto a piece of paper and trace the outlines.

  • Draw some fanart!

Have a favorite book series? Why don’t you just go ahead and draw a character from the book as you see it!

  • Try drawing your pet!

It would be rather easy to just sit down next to your pet and just draw them. (Best to catch them when they are sleeping!)

  • Draw yourself

Sure, it's simple, but you can add your own cute quirks and it may end up being harder than you think!

  • Combine animals!

Number the animals you want to use, then use a random number generator to find the combinations!

  • Draw a humanoid version of an object that means a lot to you

Drawing these humanoid versions can be an interesting way to create a piece of art about that object

  •  Draw a portrait of an everyday object

Drawing these everyday objects can help you learn more skills about shadows, perspective, and more!




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