Posts tagged with "Seventh Edition"

Opinion · 13. May 2024
By Rishaan Chowdhury The last time I wrote about Ukraine, the world was still resonating from the Russian invasion of the country. It had been a year of war and violence, and miraculously Ukraine’s aged, seemingly incapable military had fought off Russia’s first attack, defending the capital, Kyiv, in what seemed like an impossible feat. At the time, American and German M1A1 Abram and Leopard tanks, respectively, along with advanced GPS-guided HIMAR rocket systems were arriving in the...
Science · 13. May 2024
By Kieran Morrissey-Dhekne Have you ever wondered what it would be like to see ultraviolet and infrared wavelengths? The 2-7 inch long Mantis Shrimp lives in the Pacific and Indian Oceans where it is shallow and warmer. It is very colorful. It can be blue, green and red. The Mantis Shrimp feeds on mollusks and crabs. It kills its prey by “punching it” with club shaped claws. The Zebra Mantis Shrimp is even more fascinating. It does a similar thing but instead of clubs it has spears. It will...

Travel · 13. May 2024
By Rishaan Chowdhury Summer is only a few weeks away, meaning that travel is on everybody’s minds. If you’re wondering where to go, or just need some travel stories to get you through the next few weeks, this article is for you. Note: This is not a ranking
Media's Biggest Lies · 13. May 2024
By Kaedin Janvier Re-examining Kingdoms in History Media has lied to you once again. This time about royalty. There have been so many kingdoms, royal families and heritages throughout history. Take 5 seconds or more right now to think of at least one. More than likely you thought of some European royal family, fictional, or real. If they were not, that’s incredible! Unfortunately, however, most people, at least in Western countries like the USA, have only been taught about European kingdoms,...

Sports · 13. May 2024
By Rafay Desautels The NHL trade deadline was a big event this year, and a majority of teams filled some holes in their rosters. Lots of General Managers (GMs) were scrambling around to get the newest toy. There is much to discuss, so let’s get into it. If you don’t know, the trade deadline is the last day any player can be traded for the remainder of that season. This year, it was on March 8th. The trade deadline is put in place so that teams can’t just wait and see if they are in the...
Science · 13. May 2024
By Analise Gottschalk Cats are adorable creatures that plenty of people enjoy having around them, whether for a reason that helps them with stress, anxiety, etc, or just purely to have them around as a member of the family. Yet, what if you have the nagging urge to have a second one? What can you do to make sure that chaos will not erupt in your house? This article will answer these, and will have many tips and pointers for this process! (This is a guide for indoor cat introductions. ) If you...

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